The Iwi Radio Network consists of 21 stations across Aotearoa. Each station is run by local iwi, and also belongs to Te Whakaruruhau o Te Reo Irirangi Māori - a federation that enables station collaborations and network operations.
Our stations are committed to preserving and promoting Te Reo Māori, and engaging and entertaining audiences with content and stories from their rohe and Aotearoa.
Health officials have announced 3 more positive Omnicron cases, directly connected to the Otautahi case announced this week. 76 Covid cases were reported in the community today, and one Maori health expert is warning whanau to vigilant during Summer. Shakayla Andrews-Alapaki with this story.
Tuutuu Kaa'ika Part Two. Performance translated by Lewis Moeau and Rangi McGarvey.
Tuutuu Kaa'ika Part One. Performance translated by Lewis Moeau and Rangi McGarvey.